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Soal Ukk Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Paket soal berikut merupakan soal-soal yang terdiri dari banyak sekali bahan invitation, bargaining, compliment, opinion, used to, procedure text / manual, suggestion, sign, degree of comparison, dan imperative.

Soal-soal berikut mungkin tidak up to date dikarenakan telah disusun pada ketika kurikulum 13 pertama kali digunakan. Meskipun begitu soal-soal berikut masih mempunyai kesesuaian dengan materi-materi yang diajarkan pada kurikulum 13 edisi ketika ini.

Dari pada paket soal ini tidak memperlihatkan manfaat sama sekali sebab hanya disimpan di laptop, mungkin sebaiknya diposting saja dan dishare, siapa tau ada yang membutuhkan.
Berikut soal UKK Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 selengkapnya.

Part I multiple choice

Choose a, b, c, or d for the right answer!

1. Andre : How would you like to come with me to my graduation party?
Andrea : Sure, I’d love to.
The dialogue above is about . . . . . .
a. Bargaining
b. Invitation
c. Expressing certainty
d. Compliment

2. Taufik : Would you mind . . . . . . me for dinner tonight?
Teddy : No, sure I’ll be there.
a. Joining
b. Joined
c. Joins
d. Join

3. Customer : How much is this jacket cost?
Seller : It’s Rp. 375.000,-
Customer : Can I have a discount?
Seller : I am sorry, it’s fixed priced.
What is the dialogue about?
a. Invitation
b. Capability
c. Agreement and Disagreement
d. Bargaining

4. Yusuf : This is my new motorcycle.
Narzi : . . . . . . . It must be expensive.
Yusuf : Thank you.
a. That’s great
b. That’s horrible
c. That’s awful
d. That’s ugly

5. The antonym of expensive in the dialogue number 4 above is . . . . . . .
a. Fixed price
b. Cheap
c. Costly
d. Budget

6. Ellie : You look great today, Boy!
Zidan : . . . . . . . . . . . I have good news today. My mom comes here.
a. Not really
b. Thanks
c. Oh no
d. It is fine

7. Sandy : I think Tasikmalaya now isn’t comfortable as it used to be, now, the traffic in this city is so crowded, and gangsters’ terror increases. . . . . . . . . .?
Agus : Yes, you are right, that’s just how I see it.
a. In my view  . . . . .
b. What is your comment about the case?
c. I assume
d. In my opinion.

8. Sheny : In my view, cars contribute more to traffic jam than motorcycles do.
Jono : . . . . . . . . . you can't just blame the traffic jam to motorcyclists.
a. Exactly
b. You’re quite right
c. That’s how I feel
d. No, I’m afraid I don’t agree

9. Tina . . . . . . . . a nap everyday to keep her body health.
a. Like taking
b. Is used to taking
c. Used to take
d. Is used to take

10. As a student I always had instant noodles for breakfast.
We can say that  I . . . . . . . . . . . . . for breakfast.
a. Am having instant noodle
b. Am used to having instant noodle
c. Used to have instant noodle
d. Have instant noodle

11. Ahmad : What do you like to do in your spare time?
Yudha : Since I was bau kencur high school until now . . . . . . .
a. I used to read a book
b. I am used to reading a book
c. I like reading a book
d. I read a book

Questions number 12 – 15 refer to the following text

Instant Cup Noodles : Bakso Flavor

Cooking Directions:
1. Open the top lid portly; add seasoning, dehydrated vegetables and chili powder.
2. Pour boiling water about 300cc.
3. Close lid tightly and let stand 3 minutes.
4. Stir gently till well mixed, and it is ready to be served.

12. Where can we find the notice?
a. On announcement board
b. In newspaper
c. In package box
d. In rice cooker’s manual

13. How long do we boil the noodle?
a. Three minutes
b. Four minutes
c. Five minutes
d. Six minutes

14. What is the synonym of tightly?
a. Healthy
b. Strongly
c. Softly
d. Gently

15. What is the synonym of instant?
a. Simple
b. Complicated
c. Indirect
d. Hard

Questions number 16 – 17 refer to the following dialogue

Andy : I have a masalah in my report.
Bina : [16] . . . . . . . . . . ?
Andy : I have. They recommended me to find the book but I still can find it.
Bina : [17] . . . . . . . . . for the second time. I’ll help you to find it.
Andy : Thank you.

16. a. You should go earlier
b. Why don’t you ask to your lecturer
c. Do you have others ideas
d. Try to go to library

17. a. Be patient
b. Take it easy
c. Believe me you can do it
d. You’d better try again

18. Ali : Sir, I . . . . . . . go home now, my brother just sent me a sms that my father gets an accident.
Mr. Agus : ok, you can leave now.
a. Need
b. Had to
c. Ought to
d. Must

19. I failed in the exam, my teacher said I was too late to collect the last task. I . . . . . . . collect it yesterday.
a. Had to
b. Have to
c. Should
d. Must

20. Mom : Patrick, what are you doing there? It’s almost 7 o’clock. You . . . . . . . . go to school now.
Patrick : Yes mom.
a. Had to
b. Need
c. Should
d. May

21. "We only go out for one day, . . . . . . . you bring the clothes that much?"
a. Had to
b. Need
c. Should
d. May

22. She looks pale. She . . . . . . . be sick.
a. Has to
b. Have to
c. Must
d. Must not

23. Pay attention to the following sign!

soal yang terdiri dari banyak sekali bahan invitation Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

The meaning of the sign above is that we . . . . . . . . park our car here.
a. Have to
b. Haven’t to
c. Must not
d. Hasn’t to

24. Jim : Mom, can I go to see the concert with my friend?
Mom : . . . . . . . . , you need to get up early to prepare your exam.
a. You may go
b. Sure
c. You should go
d. You’d better be home

25. Ken : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . last night?
John : I don’t know who called you last night.
a. Do you know who called me
b. Do you know who is he
c. Do you know who was called me
d. Do you know who he was

26. The lions are knows as the . . . . . . . . cat in the world.
a. More weak
b. Most cute
c. Fastest
d. Strongest

27. We can find some fish species in the lake, but we can . . . . . . . . species in the ocean.
a. More
b. Many
c. Most
d. Much

28. Nabil and Nabilah are twin, but Nabil is . . . . . . . . . . Nabilah.
a. As beautiful as
b. As charming as
c. Not as clever as
d. Not as handsome as

29. Tigers are the . . . . . . . . . . Leopards.
a. As tall as
b. Wild as
c. Tame as
d. As strong as

30.  . . . . . . . . . . ! there’s an exam in progress.
a. Be careful
b. Take care
c. Study hard
d. Be quite

Part II error recognition, Questions 31 – 35

Direction: each number has four underlined words or phrases that are marked by (A), (B), (C), and (D). you have to identify and chose one wrong underlined word or phrase.

31. Yoga : [A] I think cheetahs [B] are the [C] fastest cat in the world.
Emile : Yes [D] I am agree.

32. The gold [A] is  [B] most expensive [C] than the silver, [D] isn’t it?

33. Customers always [A] need information about the product, [B] so I have to [C] copy a lot of [D] brochures.

34. You [A] may say that you are [B] better than me, but the fact [C] is I am still the [D] most good in this class.

35. Islam [A] is my religion, [B] as a Muslim I [C] may sholat five [D] times a day.

Part III Essay

36. Make a dialogue based on the situation below:
You : (invite your friend to a dinner)
Your friend : (refusing, your friend has a lot of task to finish)

37. Make a short dialogue based on the situation bellow:
A : (giving a compliment to B about his/her new dress)
B : (accepting the compliment)

38. Arrange the following steps into a correct sequence of a procedure text.

How to transfer a file from flashdisk to hardsik
1. Choose copy.
2. Open windows explorer.
3. Right click and choose paste.
4. Plug your flashdisk to usb port in CPU.
5. Right click on the file you’re about to transfer.
6. Access the hardisk.
7. Chose the file you want to transfer.
8. Access the flashdisk.

39. Give a suggestion or advice based on the situation below!
“Your friend gets a punishment for coming late to school”

40. Translate the following sentences into English to make the correct imperative sentences
”Jangan bicara dengan mereka”
“pikirkanlah perihal ujian”

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