Kode Iklan Disini

50 Soal To Be Paling Efektif

50 Soal To Be Paling Efektif

To be sering kali digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat nominal.
Kalimat nominal ialah kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja (verb) sehingga to be digunakan pada posisi predicate sebagai pengganti kata kerja (verb).

Penggunaan to be ditentukan oleh bentuk tenes yang digunakan dan subject yang digunakan dalam kalimat. Setiap tenses mempunyai bentuk to be yang berbeda-beda, lalu subject tunggal ataupun jamak juga memilih bentuk to be yang akan dipakai.

Kita sanggup mempelajari kembali semua hal wacana to be pada postingan:

Berbagai Jenis To Be dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mempelajari sebuah bahan tanpa disertai dengan latihan akan menciptakan pemahaman kita terhadap bahan tersebut kurang cukup kuat, oleh alasannya ialah itu sesudah selesai mempelajari bahan wacana to be kita akan lanjutkan pada latihan soal wacana to be berikut.

 sering kali digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat nominal 50 Soal To Be Paling Efektif

To be exercise

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate to be / be / been

1. I . . . . . . glad to see you here in this reunion.

2. The motorcycles . . . . . . still in the showroom.

3. We can afford that house, it . . . . . . too expensive.

4. Do you think they . . . . . . dependable to execute the mission?

5. I and my cousin . . . . . . in the stadium when you called, so I didn't hear my phone ring.

6. It . . . . . . a sweet moment when I saw her the first time.

7. Dinosaurs . . . . . . the biggest animal on the planet. But now they . . . . . . extinct.

8. You . . . . . . good at English, you should join the English speech contest.

9. It . . . . . . important to have breakfast before we start our daily activity.

10. I . . . . . . speechless when I heard she would resign next week.

11. My name . . . . . . Peter. I . . . . . . from Queen, New York. It . . . . . . to meet you.

12. She will . . . . . . your classmate, so . . . . . . nice with her.

13. My family . . . . . . in the harbor, they are watching marine exhibition.

14. Have you ever . . . . . . to Australia?

15. . . . . . . you ready to face your number one contender tomorrow?

16. We . . . . . . expecting the last bus, we hope we don't miss it.

17. He . . . . . . a terrible person, everybody got hurt by him.

18. Manchester United . . . . . . the champion in 2013, and that's the last time they brought the trophy home.

19. English . . . . . . easy and fun.

20. I . . . . . . not interested in reading novel.

21. We had . . . . . . in Malaysia when Tsunami attacked our house at the beach.

22. The suspect could . . . . . . everyone, because there . . . . . . no any surveillance cameras around the crime scene.

23. Yesterday . . . . . . cloudy, and today . . . . . . still little bit cloudy, but I hope tomorrow will . . . . . . bright.

24. She must . . . . . . Julia, I . . . . . . sure 100%.

25. This class will . . . . . . divided into two groups. Each group consists of 10 students. This group . . . . . . the first to perform.

26. . . . . . . careful, the floor . . . . . . wet.

27. Hard time shows us who . . . . . . the good person and who . . . . . . the bad person.

28. Mostly the planes in the airport . . . . . . white.

29. The first thing we have to do . . . . . . preparing the foods and supply.

30. If you . . . . . . the iron man, what would you do?

31. That girl . . . . . . beautiful, but her attitude . . . . . . worse.

32. In 1997 we . . . . . . young, and everything . . . . . . awesome, we didn't have modern technology but our life . . . . . . happier.

33. I have . . . . . . lost for years, I . . . . . . far from God.

34. Everybody . . . . . . happy last night, we had a good time, the food . . . . . . delicious.

35. After a week of struggling, finally the tests . . . . . . over.

36. The examination . . . . . . at the medium level. It . . . . . . not too difficult to me.

37. If you keep doing a good job you can . . . . . . promoted as a manager in this company.

38. He . . . . . . a teacher last year then he resigned, because he . . . . . . sick of his job. Now he . . . . . . a blogger.

39. I . . . . . . sick of my job, the payment . . . . . . always overdue.

40. Some bad students . . . . . . allowed to smoke in the school area. That . . . . . . the worst thing I can ever imagine.

41. A good school will never allow the students to smoke, because smoking . . . . . . a bad thing.

42. Last week I saw about 8 students . . . . . . smoking behind the hall room.

43. The teachers can't do anything to prohibit the students to smoke at canteen behind the hall room because they said that canteen . . . . . . provided by the owner of the school.

44. Maybe this institute will . . . . . . better after he dies.

45. There . . . . . . a curtain behind the canteen to hide bad students who . . . . . . smoking.

46. The working situation in this institute . . . . . . not good for your mental health.

47. You can't tell those bad students to stop smoking because they . . . . . . stubborn.

48. You can't hide a bad thing forever, someday one way or another everything will . . . . . . revealed.

49. I . . . . . . not the only one who . . . . . . disappointed with this tragedy.

50. One day I'll say I . . . . . . done with this.

Congratulation! you've just finished the exercise.
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