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Soal Profession And Job Kelas 7

Soal Profession and Job Kelas 7

Saat masih sekolah kita semua niscaya mempunyai sebuah cita-cita, meskipun kadang kalo ditanya apa impian kita, kadang masih resah apa bahu-membahu impian kita? 😀

Meskipun begitu, kita harus mempunyai sebuah cita-cita, semoga kita berguru mempunyai tujuan hidup dan berpandangan kedepan. Belajar meraih dan berusaha untuk mencapai apa yang kita inginkan.

Cita-cita identik dengan sebuah profesi atau pekerjaan.
Banyak sekali jenis pekerjaan zaman kini dengan nama yang bermacam-macam dan bahkan menciptakan kita resah apa bahu-membahu yang dikerjaan oleh orang yang mempunyai profesi tersebut.

Penting sekali mengetahui jenis-jenis atau nama-nama pekerjaan terutama yang memakai Bahasa Inggris semoga kita tahu apa bahu-membahu yang dikerjaan oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai pekerjaan tersebut.

Artikel terkaitMateri Profession dan Occupation

Selanjutnya, kita akan berlatih mengenali banyak sekali jenis pekerjaan melalui soal latihan berikut.

 Saat masih sekolah kita semua niscaya mempunyai sebuah cita Soal Profession and Job Kelas 7


Fill in the blank with the most suitable jobs in the choice given

1. My father is a . . . . . . . He teaches Bahasa Indonesia in senior high school.

2. Ella's mother is a . . . . . . . She helps the doctor and  works at hospital.

3. As a . . . . . . . , uncle Jojo delivers mail everyday.

4. I like cooking so much. I want to be a . . . . . . . someday.

5. Henry works at a chocolate factory in Jakarta. He is a . . . . . . .

6. Miss Asti works at a senior high school library as a . . . . . . . She handle the books everyday.

7. I study very hard to be a . . . . . . . I want to cure sick people and work at a big hospital.

8. Mr. Arman sails on the sea for months every year. He is a . . . . . . .

9. Randi wants to fly a plane in the future. He wants to be a . . . . . . .

10. Grandpa works in the paddy field. He is a . . . . . . .

11. Miss Rita is a beautiful girl. She works as a . . . . . . . She serves passengers in the airplane.

12. I am a . . . . . . . of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bakti Bangsa. I like to study here.

13. Reino can speak five language fluently. He is a professional . . . . . . . He often translate text to Indonesian.

14. Mr. Suryadi is an . . . . . . . He designs houses and public buildings.

15. Agnez Mo is a famous Indonesian . . . . . . . She has a beautiful voice.

16. I live near sea. There are many . . . . . . . here. They catch fish every night.

17. I have a toothache. I need to go to a . . . . . . .

18. A . . . . . . . catches a criminal who stole a motorcycle in my neighborhood.

19. Her father manages some companies. He is a successful . . . . . . . That's why they are so rich.

20. Mr. Yana is my school's . . . . . . . He leads the school for two years. He is a good leader.

Jobs / Professions choice:

Factory worker
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