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Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Passive Voice Dan Teladan Kalimat

Passive Voice

Voice dalam konteks Passive Voice artinya Verb (kata kerja). Ada dua jenis kata kerja yang bersifat aktif ( Active Voice ) dan kata kerja yang bersifat pasif ( Passive Voice ).

Kalimat aktif / Aktive Voice ialah kalimat yang doer/ agent atau pelaku atau yang melaksanakan pekerjaan berada di posisi subjek. Pola kalimatnya : S + V + ( O + adverb ). S ( Subjek ) sebagai pelaku, dan V ( Verb ) bermakna ber... atau me...Disebut kalimat aktif alasannya ialah pelakunya berada di posisi subjek dan objeknya dikenai pekerjaan.
Contoh :  Rani puts an apple on the table.

Sedangkan kalimat pasif / Passive Voice ialah kalimat yang doer/ agent atau pelaku berada di posisi objek dan secara grammatical diawali oleh preposisi by yang artinya oleh.
Contoh : An apple is put by Rani on the table.

 Voice dalam konteks Passive Voice artinya Verb  Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Passive Voice dan Contoh Kalimat

Passive Voice sangat akrab kaitannya dengan Tenses, alasannya ialah kalimat Passive Voice mengikuti bentuk tensesnya. Konsep Dasar Passive Voice adalah Be + V3

Syarat-syarat membentuk kalimat Passive Voice :
1. Kalimat Verbal
   Yakni kalimat yang kata kerja utamanya ( Ordinary) berupa selain be.
2. Menggunakan Transitive Verb yakni kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek, baik yang diikuti oleh 1 objek (Monotransitive ) maupun yang diikuti oleh 2 objek ( Ditransitive).
3. Kalimat yang berupa kata kerja yang berupa kegiatan ( Dinamic Verb ).

Yang tidak dapat dipasifkan :
1. Kalimat Nominal.
2. Kalimat yang memakai Intransitif Verb ( Verb yang tidak membutuhkan objek )
3. Kata kerja have/has yang bermakna memiliki ( posses )
Have/has secara struktur tidak dapat dipasifkan , tetapi secara meaning dapat dipasifkan dengan catatan mengganti have/has dengan belong to.

Contoh kalimat :  I have a new car ( Active Voice ) tidak boleh dipasifkan menjadi A new car is had by me. Makara kalimatnya harus dirubah menjadi A new car belong to me . ( structure active tapi meaning passive )
Dibawah ini ialah rumus Passive Voice dalam 16 Tenses

1. Simple Present
    S + is/am/are + V3 +  ( by O )

2. Present Continuous
     S + is/am/are + being + V 3 + ( by O )

3 Present Perfect
     S + have/has + been + V3 + ( by O )

4. Present Perfect Continuous
     S + have/has + been + being + V3 + ( by O )

5. Simple Past
     S + was/were + V3 +  ( by O )

6. Past Continuous
    S + was/were + being + V 3 + ( by O )

7. Past Perfect
    S + had + been + V3 + ( by O )

8. Past Perfect Continuous
    S + had + been + being + V3 + ( by O )

9. Simple Future
    S + will/shall + be + V3 +  ( by O )

10. Future Continuous
    S + will/shall + be + being + V 3 + ( by O ) 

11. Future Perfect
    S + will/shall + have + been + V3 + ( by O )

12. Future Perfect Continuous
    S + will/shall + have + been + being + V3 + ( by O )

13. Past Future
    S + would/should + be + V3 +  ( by O )

14. Past Future Continuous
    S + would/should + be + being + V 3 + ( by O )

15. Past Furure Perfect
   S + would/should + have + been + V3 + ( by O )

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous
   S + would/should + have + been + being +V3 + ( by O ) 

Contoh Kalimat :
1.Simple Present
Active  : Ninda eats healthy food everyday.
Passive : Healthy food is eaten by Ninda everyday.
2. Present Continuous
Active  : Fina is watering some flowers.
Passive : Some flowers are being watered by Fina.
3. Present Perfect 
Active  : Dony has driven a new car.
Passive : A new car has been driven by Dony.
4. Present Perfect Continuous
Active  : Tomy has been drawing some pictures.
Passive : Some pictures have been being drawn by Tomy.
5. Past Continuous
Active  : Lany paid a tax last week.
Passive : A tax was paid by Lany last week.
6. Past Continuous
Active  : Three workers were lifting a big cupboard.
Passive : A big cupboard was being lifted by three workers.
7. Past Perfect
Active  : A raging storm had destroyed hundreds houses.
Passive : Hundred houses had been destroyed by a raging storm.
8. Past Perfect Continuous
Active  : Sinta had been slicing some meat in the kitchen.
Passive : Some meat had been being sliced by Sinta in the kitchen.
9. Simple Future
Active  : Jenny will visit many tourism places next holyday.
Passive : Many tourism places will be visited by Jenny next holyday.
10. Future Continuous
Active  : Evi will be supervising examinees at 7 tonight.
Passive : Examinees will be being supervised by Evi at 7 tonight.
11. Future Perfect
Active  : Astronomers will have built new space station by 2040.
Passive : New space stations will have been built by astronomers by 2040.
12. Future Perfect Continuous
Active  : Joe will have been finishing his master degree by the end of June next year.
Passive : Joe's master degree will have been being finished by him by the end of June next year.
13. Past Future
Active  : Culled would make a checking account last Monday.
Passive : A checking account would be made by Cullen last Monday.
14. Past Future Continuous
Active  ; A taxi driver would be taking some passengers to the airport.
Passive : Some passengers would be being taken by a taxi driver to the airport.
15. Past Future Perfect
Active  : Some architects would have been designed a hundred story building.
Passive : A hundred story building would have been being designed by some architects.
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous
Active  : Three scientists would have been researching an incurable disease.
Passive : An incurable disease would have been being researched by three scientists.

Demikian klarifikasi ihwal pengertian, rumus dan teladan kalimat Passive Voice . Semoga bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jikalau ada kekurangan. Keep spirit and good luck !
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