Kode Iklan Disini

Pintar Bahasa Inggris English Education In Indonesia Is Very Poor

English now is taught at the earliest time in Indonesia. English has been introduced at Elementary school, as the development of the world globalization which demands English skills for all people of different nations in the world. Without mastering English, one can not communicate with other people in other countries. That’s why, the English education has been taught earlier in elementary school.
Previously, English was firstly taught in Junior High school. It will be late for children to learn English at that age. In fact, the Language research says that the language learning will be better and more effective to be taught in the earlier period of time.
In Indonesia, English education in elementary school is very poor. The status of the subject is only a local subject. It’s not including in the national subject, the important subject. English in elementary school has no clear curriculum and syllabus.  And it is taught by incompetence and unqualified teacher. The teacher has no English graduation certificate. The English learning so far, doesn’t reach the optimal output as it is taught without good planning.
There is no support from the government about English education in elementary school. The government still doesn’t give a standard curriculum and syllabus. There are many teachers who are confused of how to teach English in an Elementary school.
There have been many Elementary schools which teach English. But English is taught as they can without good planning, without good curriculum an d syllabus. The teacher teaches as they can, they don’t care whether it is true or wrong. So many unqualified teachers who are confused to teach, how to pronounce certain words, sentences. What a poor education it is. In fact, this is the true condition of English education especially in elementary school in Indonesia.
The question is, Why does the Indonesian government let this happen? As we know that  English in elementary school is a basic learning. If it is taught by an unqualified teacher who has no English Education background, it will be fatal. The teacher will give the wrong concept of English material. And it it also boring if the teacher doesn’t master the exact methods in teaching English. Finally the students being taught, will give a wrong response and wrong image that English is not an interesting subject.  Ideally, English must be taught by the qualified teachers.
My suggestions to the Indonesian government are, firstly, the government should give the clear and exact standard of English Curriculum and syllabus in elementary school. Secondly, the government should recruit the qualified English teachers. Thirdly, the government should support the English teaching learning in elementary school.
We hope that the English education in Indonesia especially in  elementary school will be successful as English in today’s kala is very important. The success in the beginning will continue to the future. Indonesia must change. The Education, the mastery of English should be achieved early. It will be very late if English is introduced in Junior high school. We hope Indonesian people can master English, so Indonesian people can communicate, compete with other people in different countries in the world.
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